I love the phrase “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
I was reflecting the other day on my NYC marathon finish. A pretty big accomplishment if you ask me, especially considering I am not a runner. Well now I am. Scratch that. I am a marathoner. :)
However, the process made me think about a few things, especially with my students reactions. Most were in awe, and statements such as, “you’re crazy” “i could never do that” and the such were flying around the room. But it got me to thinking, why COULDN’T you do that?
We all take daunting tasks that at one point seem so formidable, and look back after accomplishing them, and wonder why we ever thought it was impossible. In order for ANYTHING to be possible, someone had to take the first step in achieving that goal to make it possible for the rest of us.
With hard work, anything can be accomplished. We are all capable of greatness, we just have to look within ourselves and decide just how hard we are willing to work to achieve that greatness. We should put nothing out of reach, because that limits ourselves, and honestly? We are limitless.
Success comes to those who put the work into it. I have seen so many naturally talented students, who, as the years and demand increased, the effort decreased. You can only get by talent for so long, before the work comes into play. There will be dancers who are hungrier, who want it more, that are willing to sacrifice the parties, the socials, the nights with friends…for one more night in the studio, for ONE more fouetté combination, for holding that split one more minute….its that little extra push that takes the “I can’ts” into “I cans.”
If you have never tried something, then how do you know you can’t do it? Did you TRY to run 26 miles and fail? No? Then you probably can. And if you don’t do it the first time (and more power to you if you can :) then you go and try again. It’s baby steps. 3 miles.the next day four. And so on, until magically, you have ran 26.
It is us who puts limits on ourselves, and if we remove those limits I believe anything is possible. Why not try to find out, the next time you feel like saying, “I can’t?”